Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Viking RV park to Seabreeze RV Park NL


Icebergs and Woodpiles, seem to go together here

We're starting to head back to the mainland today, catching the ferry Friday the 30th. First we had to take a little tour around the nearby town of Quirpon. More icebergs, imagine that. Quirpon is close to the L'anse Aux Meadows National Historic park, where the Viking settlement recreations are. We decided to not go there this time, having been there on our first NL visit in 2013.

Colourful playhouse or storage shed

This berg looked a lot like a fishing boat

While stopped at the St Anthony airport we had to wonder - why are there wipers on the back of this van? Maybe the seemingly-opaque back windows are a one-way blackout, but it looked strange:

We stopped for an early lunch at the restaurant we mentioned a couple of days ago, L&E Restaurant:

No fancy building here, just good home cooking at a reasonable price

Mine was fish chowder. Excellent in spite of the looks

Cathie had Cod Nuggets, with onion rings for a veggie :))


The fish chowder looked like potato soup, but very little potato, lots of cod and scallop pieces. Cathie had this on our earlier visit, and highly recommended it. I'll second that. We pretty much split the onion rings, yummy. We won't be having much supper.

Here are some scenery pictures of the drive south. The road runs along the western coast, and sometimes is a true coastal drive. In places it reminded us of the Trans-Canada across the north of Lake Superior:

That's the Labrador coast over there

And of course, more potholes

We had a stop and tour of a nice town park and lighthouse in Nameless Cove:

Lots of little waterfowl right now

The ferry to Labrador was in at St Barbe and loading for a return trip:

The ferry itself looks quite different than the one in use in 2013, much nicer paint job and design.

Several have asked about the status of Cathie's finger. We won't really know how it's doing for another month or more, as the initial healing splint has to stay on until then. No bending of the finger at all, while the tendon re-bonds the broken end. If the finger gets bent, the 6 weeks starts all over again.

We finally replaced the tape dressing on Monday. This is the new version:

The exposed fingernail looks sorta mouldy. That's a paper tape that wraps the finger first, so that the real sticky tape wrap doesn't come in contact with her skin. This makes it a lot easier to get the old wrap off every few days. We were both nervous doing the change, but it went well. Cathie says it still doesn't hurt, it's awkward though.

Tonight we're back in Seabreeze RV park in Cow Head. The weather has turned warm and humid, 23C right now, and this camp (really a nice small gravel parking lot with hookups) is open to the sea breeze.


  1. Is "Nameless" Cove for real??!!!....or did you make that up Gord??!!
    Appreciate the update on the status of the finger; so wonderful for you Cath that there's no pain!!!
    Those cod nuggets sure do look yummy; onion rings definitely a perfect vegetable choice to go with them!!!
    Wishing you more "happy trails"!! Love, Sheila

    1. As real as the road sign pointing to it Sheila. I couldn't find it on the map, although it's in the Flower Cove area.

  2. Your lunch looked so good!!
    Glad u have no pain, Cathie!,!
    MORE GREAT Pics,,,
    Elaine 🏠

  3. Gosh I cannot believe your Newfoundland adventure is drawing to a close!

    Gord, I love the photo of the iceberg captured between the rocks!! Hoping by the time we get there the bergs are still there😊.

    Cathy, I hope that finger is mending as it should. I am glad that you guys clarified that it had tape on it, as at first glance I was a little concerned!

    We love reading your blogs and we may try to lunch at that restaurant. The chowder did look so good!!

    Safe travels 🚐
    Di & Gary
