Thursday, June 22, 2023

Saint Vincent's NL to Notre Dame PP

Gulls in the Morning


We were still here at St Vincent's this morning, looking for whales. Not much whale activity this morning though, but lots of bird activity. Meagan was disappointed there was no whale video yesterday. None this morning either, but here's a sample of gull and gannet activity, should be just as good eh?... No, I thought not, sorry about that :)). 

It's Gannets that do the spectacular spear-like diving:


When the Gannets are diving there are fish there, and often that's where the whales head. Not much this morning though.

It was mostly just a driving day today, although another nice one, with no fog or much cloud. The temp climbed to 26C/79F during the day, swinging up and down regularly. We won't need a heater tonight, with a comfortable 23C now. We've left the Avalon area now, heading west and north. Our ferry reservation for leaving Newfoundland is next Friday June 30, so we have a few more days to roam around.

Here's the parking area where we whale-watched yesterday:

And here's the evening view out our front window at our overnight camp across the road from the whale-watching:



  1. Maybe not as cool as a whale video but it was really neat to see the video of the gannet’s diving like that. Looks like a beautiful camping spot for tonight.

    1. Yes, wish I had done some whale video yesterday. I could have shown the tail slapping at least with hindsight. The video is slower to start though, tougher to catch the leaps, which are hard to catch even with still pics.

  2. It was neat to hear the wind and the waves in your video as well as the birds. Donna B

  3. Great spot for an overnight,,,and wake up to that view,,,,
    Glad things are well,,,
    Elaine 🌞🌞
