Saturday, October 12, 2019

Friday evening and Saturday morning around Taos

Late afternoon view behind our campsite

Cool clear days and getting-colder nights. It got down to -2C last night, about 28F. No visible frost in our campground yet though.

We spent too much time in town doing various necessary things, but did get back to enjoy some afternoon sun.

I thought we had a twig stuck to our tire, but it moved! Apparently an Annam Walking Stick.

A patient fisherman and his duck buddies

This morning we took much the same river drive as we did yesterday, it's such a pretty drive. At the bridge where we ended our descent into the canyon the other day though, we couldn't resist clambering back up to the top from here. It was a bumpy ride in places, but no real issues:

Wending our way upwards

Sharp curve ahead

Almost to the top

Looking back down at the way up

We continued around the loop and stopped in Taos, where Cathie visited the Farmers Market on this busy Saturday morning:

Today's map:



  1. That road looks like my kinda drive.

    1. We enjoy those too. We have to stay pretty mild though, without a Jeep.

  2. And you thought Anarchist Mountain was scary - sure are some challenging roads. Bet Cath doesn't knit while Gord drives on these.

  3. Great camp views!
    But cool!
    That road looks scary, ,,,, yikes,,,,
    Take care,,,
    Enjoy these mornings,,,, have my coffee and check in ,,,,

  4. Replies
    1. Weird isn't it. It stayed there a while. I should have tried Google Lens to see if Google could identify it.

    2. I tried iSeek with the photo you posted, but it said it needed more angles to identify it.

  5. Looks like you are enjoying that area around Taos chilly weather like here, but such wonderful scenery.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hi - I can finally comment. I really like the style of the buildings there.

  8. The stick insect looks like something out of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts! So unique.

  9. You guys are keeping yourselves busy down there! Are you finding warm enough weather?

    1. It got pretty cool at night. So after a week around Taos and area, we moved south to Elephant Butte today. About 2,000 foot drop in elevation has warmed things up.
