Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Medicine Hat AB to Eastend SK via Cyprus Hills

Still sunny and not too smoky for our 8:30 departure. We’re pretty lazy today, stopping at MacD for breakfast, and then at a Sobey’s for supplies.

After a short run on TCH#1, we headed south on hwy 41 towards the Cypress Hills. A pretty drive, with lots of green around even though so late in the summer. Herds of cattle as you’d expect, but also flocks of pelicans, so there are bodies of water around here.

The cows don't seem too worried

Nearing Cypress Hills the elevation is surprisingly high, at about 1245 meters, up to about 1404 m at a lookout on the Alberta side of the park. The interior road that connects the AB/SK sides of the park is gravel and quite rough and dusty in places. Notice the “Welcome to Saskatchewan” sign:

Our National park Discovery pass got us into Ft Walsh for no charge, otherwise it would have been $20 for the two of us. Several people were there at the fort in period costumes, and one of them led a guided tour of the fort. An interesting wrinkle was they separated the kids off from the adult group for their own type of tour, more fun for them and for us!

Ft Walsh has a long history, first as a frontier fort, then later where horses were raised and trained for the RCMP Musical Ride.

Another warm day, 32C, and a hot dusty drive on 615 S, then #13 towards Eastend, where we camped for the night. Eastend is an interesting little place, with several self-guided tours of the area available on their web site. They also have a Trex dinosaur museum.

A young Saskatchewanian, interested in the tourists

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