Sunday, June 23, 2024

We said we weren't going to blog, but ...


Our site for tonight


I know we said we weren't going to blog, but we had a very nice day and wanted to share it, and to save it for our own memories too.

Our night at the Brandon Walmart was quiet and uneventful, just the way we like it. We both slept well, and were ready to go by 6:30 am. A nice sunny 12C when on our way.

Because of the early departure we got breakfast along the way, at a Denny's near the Winnipeg bypass. We haven't come across a Denny's for a while, and really enjoy breakfasts from their 55+ menu when we're hungry.  

Along the Trans Canada Highway today...

A crop duster was circling and dusting a field and gave us a chance for a picture:

We were kind of thinking we might get to the Dryden Walmart today, and we did. Too early to stay though, so after a break we continued. 

Near Ignace we noticed a rustic-looking campground and stopped in. $25 cash for a lovely lakeside site, with light-use electrical connection and showers.  Sold! Even a pretty good cell signal, which is what we use for internet data.

While sitting enjoying the view, a float plane buzzed by, not something we see every day:

There were a few bugs around, and also several dragonflies chasing them down. The dragonflies seemed to like resting on our legs, so we welcomed them after all their hard work:

Apparently bass are spawning in the pond in front of our site. We've only seen swirls yet, but our landlady said if we have good sunglasses we'll likely see some fish. We tried our polarized sunglasses but didn't see fish. I did take a couple of pictures though, with and without shooting through the polarized lenses:

Clear, no sunglasses


Through amber-coloured polarized lens

So we're ready if the fish arrive.

 Fyi in case anyone is interested in the campsite we had. It's the Agimak Lake Resort, right on the TCH just to the west outside of Ignace.

I said no maps either, but even though it's a straight drive I'd miss them. So:





  1. Looks like a lovely day. Ruth

    1. Not sure I could let dragonflies land on my legs though.

  2. In 1956 my Mother and I boarded a train at the train station in Ignace on our homeward-bound journey from Oxdrift west of Dryden to Tavistock, Ontario. Your post stirred up some old memories for me.

  3. How is the construction from Winnipeg to Dryden? We were considering heading up there again this summer but the road work last year was a real trial.

    1. It didn't seem bad. A lot of work is being done on expanding to 4 lanes at the Ontario border but not much impact on the current road.

    2. Sorry Karen, I was thinking of Ontario. There is major resurfacing from the border to Winnipeg. Mostly the westbound side right now, luckily we were eastbound. It would be slow through there if there's much traffic.

  4. Great to see another post from you,,,,
    Love my routine in the early hours,,,,
    Safe journey rest of the way ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ 
    Great campsite,,,,

  5. What a lovely day you've had! Nice when the simple things in life bring joy!

  6. We've enjoyed your blog, as always. It looks like you have had a wonderful trip! Safe travels home.
