Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Back to Donna's for a few days before heading towards home

Lots of irrigation this morning, keeping green fields green

You have to be able to tolerate rail noise here at the Ashcroft Legacy campground, there was a lot of it. We slept through most of it though, and had a pleasant night. Early to bed and early to rise.

It was a beautiful day for another scenic drive, only reaching 20C later in the morning. It felt warmer with the strong sun, but not too hot.

Even the campground had one of the mosaic displays, with more rail heritage:

The Thompson River is in the background


As mentioned, lots of irrigation this morning:

We weren't sure how these trees in the river were surviving. They don't look real healthy though:

There were several temporary bridges on the road from Spences Bridge to Merritt, and lots of construction going on. It looks like the road had major damage from the river this spring, including maybe wiping out several permanent bridges:

This hill had some strange erosion. The side with more recent-looking erosion had larger trees than the slope to our right that looks older and more stable :

We did find some wildlife once again. These are female Bighorn sheep, some young and some older:

Not really livestock, but close. Moulting their winter coat.

Always have to watch for animals on the road, whether livestock or wildlife

 Just a few scenery pictures:

That metal-looking bridge was maybe an old railway bridge repurposed for ATVs etc

Closer to OK Falls, we saw an Osprey nest with (likely) a female sitting incubating eggs. We first thought there were some younger heads there, but...

That's the tail sticking up on the left, and the body and head on the right

A mate was trying to deliver some food, but we were too close I guess

Clearly we were disturbing the delivery, so we left

Some not-great pictures trying to show some of the replanting going on after the winter cold damage, and some of the new growth happening too. Life goes on:

Unless we get a surge of wildlife viewings at Donna's, we likely won't post a blog until we hit the road again, probably Sunday.


Note: Kaleden is the area name which includes Okanagan Falls.




  1. Lots of wildlife!!!
    Great Pics again with the views changing,,,,,Safe travels,,,,

  2. Travel safe. Great pics. Ruth
