Saturday, June 8, 2024

A few days at Donna's, more wildlife pics. Getting ready for a short trip tomorrow.

Donna's house, taken from the street.

A few nearby houses are built on ground much less stable than Donna's. The owners of this white house recently found that much of their already-small side yard had slid down the hill:

Picture from below

The gravelly area beside the house used to be their terraced side yard

 The experts are still investigating the cause. The owners are concerned, as are nearby residents.

The house is visible from the nice dog walk area just a short drive from Donna's place:

Skaha Lake view


The group of Bighorn Sheep bachelors that welcomed us the first day dropped by again, this time up the hill a bit in the back yard:

The little "woof" you hear is Sergie warning the sheep that they are close enough to his yard.

Here's a very relaxed Sergie after all that guard work:


A nice doe visited for a bit, just browsing:

In a previous blog post I showed some pictures of a black (cinnamon colour phase) bear that had been visiting a neighbour's hummingbird feeder. This may have been the same bear that came back to their yard again today, close enough that Cathie was able to get pictures with her cell phone, with just a bit of cropping afterwards:

Peeking over the fence by the truck, decided not to cross there

This is how it got out of the neighbour's yard the other day too

Climbing the handy trellis


Just a few seconds and he was over the fence

No travelling today, so no map. Tomorrow Cathie and I are leaving Donna's for a few days, doing a short loop trip to an area we haven't been before. 


  1. Such a beautiful place! The local wildlife sure looks different from around here! But we do enjoy our chipmunks, bunnies and squirrels ;-).

  2. Great pics,,,,,the bear!!!
    Donna's place looks lovely,,,,,

  3. Neat to see a bear so close like that and watch it climb. Looks like a lovely dog park near Donna for her lovely dog.

  4. Lovely would be fun to watch that bear. I always enjoy the wildlife wherever I am. Enjoy your side trip

  5. It is absolutely beautiful there! No need for travelling to see any wildlife!!
    Diane & Gary
