Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still in PEI

Thursday we had the traditional lobster feast, homecooked at Nancy's. They just taste different out here. I suppose not unlike how a hotdog burned over an open fire tastes great when camping (but the lobster really is much better!).

Friday we just all did our things. Pat and Nancy were at work, the rest of us just bummed around. Cath and I went to the Playhouse theater in Victoria last evening to see Rod Beattie perform "Letters from Wingfield Farm". We've see most of his episodes before, but this is the first time we've seen one live. It's a very cozy theater in Victoria, just right for a performance like this. In Victoria on our way to the play, a fellow was walking at the side of the road towards the theater, and half-jokingly we said "there's Rod!". And it was. No limos here.

It's another beautiful sunny day today, after some rain overnight. Very obliging of the weather gods. We're heading out to Meagan's cottage for a bbq supper tonight, with Nan and Pat.

 Tomorrow morning we'll be leaving, early if not bright, heading along the Fundy coast to St Martins for a couple of nights, then on to Herring Cove prov park on Campobello Island for a night or two. Then it will be into the US, and heading towards home.

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