Thursday, September 1, 2011

Moving to Rocky Mtn park

Last night had some very gusty winds, but otherwise ok. Today is a beautiful day, mostly sunny and 24C at 10am.

This morning we drove to Rocky Mountain Natl Park, and booked a site in the Glacier Basin campground. We booked for 5 nights, so we'll have a base for the holiday weekend. 

Once set up in the park we took a (free) shuttle bus ride around the park to get oriented:


Then drove around a bit on our own, stopping for some short hikes and views. What a gorgeous park!

Late in the afternoon we went to a scenic lookoff, hoping to see elk. We only saw a couple, but one of them was a very large bull in his prime, and he put on a real show for us. Attacking bushes, making himself a wallow and oh-so-attractive to a female elk. Glad we were a ways away and upwind. Some people got very close up, way too close to a rutting bull, until several park rangers went after the offenders.


The bull crossed that river bridge close to the spectators

Now the elk moved along the fence, away from the people

He was large!

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