Sunday, September 4, 2011

Elk viewing


Sunday was another gorgeous day, sunny and cool. Only 1C in the morning, but up to 18C later in the day. We decided to not do much hiking (still recovering from the day before), so went for another drive though the park, taking the Trail Ridge Road again, this time to a little town called Grand Lake. 


Towards evening we drove to a meadow where elk often gathered. It's rut season, so bulls were competing for cows, and guarding their herd. It was amazing to get this close. We were outside our car, but it was close behind us. The elk just ignored us, having other things on their minds.


Our camping neighbour Jim later sent us a couple of pictures he had taken this same day. He was in the campground washroom, and stepped out to see this large elk really close. He quickly stepped back, but managed a couple of pictures, the first one in the blog and this one:

 This large bull just ignored the people, but you wouldn't want to get him agitated.







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