Friday, September 6, 2024

Scotland Day 14 - our last day in Scotland this trip

Our tour group, at the Clansman Centre presentation

Thursday Sept 5

Our last day in Scotland, we were still in the same Maldron Hotel. It would have been a good day to roam around freely and see more of Glasgow than we have already. A lot of things of interest are walkable right from the hotel, and there are buses and trains easily available for going further afield. Good weather today.

Unfortunately my cold was settling in, bringing a very low energy level. I just didn't feel up to touring so spent pretty much all day in the hotel room. The most activity was a fire alarm evacuation when we had to go outside for a few minutes. Luckily it turned out to be a fire drill, so all the evacuees were quickly allowed back in.

Earlier, Cathie had gone out for an hour or so on her own to a nearby pedestrian mall along Buchanan Street. Lots of shops along there, including several book stores. She also brought back some lunch to share.

Not the way we had expected to celebrate our anniversary, but really this whole trip was in part for our anniversary.

We did need to rest up today, as tomorrow would be an early start for a long day.


Friday Sept 6

On to the bus for a 4:30 am departure to the airport. The hotel provided a bag breakfast for those interested in breakfast this time of day.

The trip to the airport was uneventful, very little traffic this time of day. We got there in plenty of time to get checked in, get through the still long security lines, and make our takeoff time, 8:35 Glasgow time. The direct nonstop flight was scheduled to arrive in Toronto at 11:00 Ontario time. We actually got in an hour or so early, and were able to connect with our transit service back to Bayfield a bit earlier than scheduled. Safely back home about 1:30 pm.

We were both out of pep by this time, with Cathie's cold developing too, so a quiet few days for recuperation. Once things settle down I'll post a trip wrapup.



Our tour group at Urquhart Castle

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed seeing all the places I will never visit in person,,,
    A lot of busy!!!too busy,,,,
    But nice to hear tips for anyone going on a organized trip ,,,,
    Thanks so much ,,,
    ELAINE 🏡
