Saturday, March 5, 2022

Spring is in the air

Port Franks opening up

In the spring we look forward to seeing some of the large numbers of migrating Tundra Swans that stop over in Southern Ontario. We haven't seen any yet this year, but about mid-March is usually the peak. If you're interested in swan viewing, here are some links you might be interested in checking:

- General Tundra Swan migration information link from the Lambton County Museum: Lambdon County Swan info

- Swan sightings in the area this year: Lambton Swan calendar

- Similar Swan calendar from the Aylmer Museum: Aylmer Museum Swan info and calendar 

The Lambton Museum area is across from The Pinery Provincial Park here in Ontario. Viewing is mostly from nearby roads. The swans feed on leftover crops in the flooded fields.

The Aylmer area is near the Aylmer Police College, south of Aylmer. They feed the swans there, and have an enclosed raised viewing platform for viewing them in the large pond. 

In earlier years we've also been able to view a pair of Bald Eagles nesting and raising young, just a few minutes drive from our home. The eagles are back now, and updating their nest high up in a large tree. We can't see down into the nest at all, so don't know how far along the nesting is yet:


If you are interested in more eagle nesting information, here's a link to some interesting facts:  Eagle Nesting info

Through the winter we've enjoyed various views of the lake, some from our walks to a nearby lookout: 

And some from the Bayfield beach:

Bayfield beach and pier. Nice to see families out enjoying it.

The beach will need some restoration work again this year

Switching to Mews News- last fall the concrete base was poured for the new Activity Centre (officially the Hearthstone Project I think) here at the Bayfield Mews (Bayfield Mews link). Construction of the building started this week. Most of these pictures were taken from our living room window, with just a bit of zoom lens:

Materials arrived Monday Feb 28

3 experienced workers make fast work of framing


A bit of snow didn't slow them down much


Applying exterior insulation



By Friday, it's starting to show the final size and shape


  1. Hoping spring is in the air Soon!
    Sure has been Cold!
    Great Pics of shoreline,,,,and that building going up fast,,,
    Take care,,,

  2. Nice color and clarity in your photos. That activity center is certainly taking shape alright. I think it takes a special kind of person to work outside in the cold like that. I would not be one of those special people. Pheebs and I were down the Eagle road a week ago but the Eagles saw us coming and ducked their heads.

  3. Nice to see those eagles nesting again. Pretty special to have them nearby. Glad there's progress on your activity centre finally. A few signs of spring here too, but they were all covered with 4" of snow today!
