Overnight we heard some trains running nearby, but they didn't bother us. When there are no whistles blowing, train noise is not as intrusive as highway tire noise.
We enjoyed
early-morning showers and the sunrise. A cool morning though, -2C. It was nice
to have electric heat overnight.
Our objectives changed as the day warmed up to 23C. We finally decided to aim for Ajo AZ to camp.
By the time we got away about 7:20 it was up to 3C, and up to a sunny 11C by 9:30. In Tuscon we had to stop at the Camping World store for a browse. They had an aluminum step for getting in the van that I liked, on sale but still kinda expensive. Out to the van to think it over, we realized we had left our little plastic step at Bowie this morning! The new step is much more stable and safer than the old one.
We stopped in to the nearby Costco for a cheap lunch to make up for the step, then headed across #86 towards Ajo. Once west of Tucson the beautiful cactus-laden Sonoran-type desert views started, so many different cacti and all new to us.
Almost to Ajo we saw a sign for Darby Well Rd and remembered blogger Al mentioning they had boondocked there. So about 2:30 on this beautiful sunny 23C day we decided to try it for the night. We were sure in cactus country now!!
It was a real treat to lounge around in the warm sunshine for the afternoon, listening to the birds sing. We were still able to get good Wifi at our site too.
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