Wednesday, November 6, 2019

And even more Bayfield Mews progress

Since we had a bit of sun this morning we decided to head over to Bayfield (from Waterloo where we are staying) to pick up any mail and check the undoubtedly amazing progress since Sunday. We didn't get much mail, just flyers, but there has been noticeable construction progress. Things are happening.

On the way over we noticed a large white object in a field by the road:

A lone swan in the cornfield stubble

If you look carefully in the center, you'll see some Canada Goose buddies nearby

Our stopped car made the Canada Geese nervous enough to take to the air
Also on the way over, near Nithburg, we saw a sign for a horse breed we've never heard of before, Bashkir Curly:

There has been noticeable progress inside and out at our Mews place:

The trim guys were hard at work on the block, might be done today

The front trim is close to done. Grading has been done for drive and walkway concrete

The gas fireplace is roughed in, and the vinyl plank flooring is done

The master bedroom walls and floor

Our block is Lucky #13. Block 14 has started (4 more units) on the other side of the road from us, leaving just the 4 units in block 15 to be started next year:


  1. Coming along great!
    So happy for you both!
    Great fireplace cozy!

  2. Looking good! I love the placement of the fireplace.
