We decided to head to the fall fair today. It was just 7C at 8am, but sunny this morning. With no electric hookup we couldn’t use our electric heater, but using the Buddy propane heater before we went to bed and first thing in the morning kept us comfortable. It’s calling for cloud and rain later on today, so we tried to get an early start.
We headed out on some very scenic back roads and on up to the Tunbridge World’s Fair. It was a bit pricey, but a real nice way to spend some time. We both went on the Ferris Wheel, did lots of browsing of exhibits, and ate lots of junk food. Apple crisp and Indian pudding (both with ice cream), a big warm pretzel to share, and huge onion rings to share. Even sharing we couldn’t finish the onion rings. Luckily we came across our cg neighbor and his wife, and they happily took care of the last 2 rings for us.
There were oxen pulls, free just-pressed apple cider tastings, lots of people doing things. Here’s a sampling of the pictures:
Playing the fiddles he makes |
Cider samples |
Corn shucker |
Cath powering the yarn-twister |
On the Ferris wheel |
Overview from the Ferris wheel |
It started raining about 2:30 so we got a bit wet towards the end of our fair visit, but no problem.
After 3 hrs at the fair we went on to a place called “Farm Way”, sort of an outlet store with all kinds of useful clothing and footwear, and lots of other stuff, kind of like a huge old general store. I got a pair of Keene sandals at a good clearance price.
On the way back to the cg we stopped for milk, but had to also get one of their rotisserie chickens for supper. We really enjoy these once in a while when camping, really good without all the prep work.