Friday, February 11, 2022

A few ice pictures, and the Eagles are back!


The winter hasn't been bad around Bayfield (unless you compare it with Arizona!). Towards the end of January though, it was nice to see the sun again, and start to feel that, yes indeed, spring will eventually come.

These pictures of the lake ice were taken on 3 different days, from Jan 30 to Feb 6, all from the same spot about 15 minutes walk from home. The changes from day to day are amazing. It's not really widespread melting, as the days were still cold, but changing winds would cause drastic differences from day to day.

The first day, pretty much frozen over as far as we could see:


The next day, lots of open water:

I don't know how these waterfowl stay warm

 And a few days later:


Since we moved here a couple of years ago, we've been able to follow the nesting of a pair of Bald Eagles, only a few minutes south of us. We didn't really realize how early the eagles came back to start adding to their old nest for the new brood. However when we took a drive down their road a few days ago, we saw one perched in a nearby tree. 

It was too far away for our cell phone cameras, so today when we went to get eggs from a farm down that way, we took the bigger camera and lens, and...:


It looked like one of the eagles (I'd assume the female) has already started brooding. Yes, Spring is coming!